Commercial & Long-Haul Trucking Insurance

Long-haul trucking is different from any other kind of business. That’s why you need a different kind if insurance team.
A long-haul trucking business may have just one employee, the owner-driver. But it owns capital assets worth more than those of businesses with ten times the number of employees.
With hours that are anything but Monday to Friday nine-to-five, and with headquarters located in the driver’s seat, behind the wheel, it faces risks that conventional businesses can’t even imagine.
The more miles a trucker drives, the more those risks grow – and they’re not just the risks that conventional commercial insurance covers.
For example, the tractor-trailer itself is massive, heavy, and expensive. So, in an accident it can inflict more damage on smaller vehicles and their passengers– and cost much more to repair.
It carries valuable cargo, that can be worth as much as the rig itself, if not more.
Running empty can increase, rather than reducing, the risks. Because if an empty trailer becomes unbalanced over slippery or uneven surfaces, it could dive down, get damaged, and injure drivers and other people.
Laws require long-haulers to maintain primary liability, cargo, and physical damage insurance coverage. But that combination alone won’t cover you for all the risks of the road.
For example, some insurance companies cover you only within a 300-mile radius. Some widen that limit to 500 miles. Beyond 500 miles, only a very few will agree to cover you.
How valuable will your cargos be? A higher deductible will lower your premiums. But having to pay out higher lump sums for accident damages could defeat the whole purpose.
What kind of equipment do you use to secure your cargos? Securement coverage can protect it.
What if you’re in a crash at, say, 3:30 AM, 450 miles away from your home base? How quickly will your insurance company be able to service your claim? Within minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks?
What if you drive through multiple states? Most have different laws and regulations. Will your insurance package be comprehensive enough to work in all of them?
Obviously, your long-haul trucking business has a lot of different insurance requirements. Your Resolve Insurance team takes a different approach to truly meeting and exceeding them.
To begin with, we sit down with you and analyze your business: your drivers’ CDL experience, your motor vehicle records, your history of losses or claims over the past three years, your overall finances, your operating radius, your location, your credit history, the nature of your clients and cargos.
Having defined your needs, we’ll then work with our network of 22 top domestic carriers, London brokers, and wholesalers that can access carriers in the open market. To assemble an insurance package that best serves them.
Then, we’ll deploy advanced, cutting-edge technology to track your data changes, to let you view your entire existing insurance online and on demand, to speed certificates and renewal processes, and to dramatically slash data entry time. Saving time like that could be particularly helpful to someone who spends most working hours behind the wheel, on the road.
Every step of the way, you’ll appreciate our different kind of insurance team’s focus on understanding your requirements and responsively fulfilling them.